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Version: 1.6.0


Variant types being, in essence, the disjunctive union of cases akin to types, values of such types need to be examined case by case: this is what pattern matching does.

Here is a function that transforms a colour variant type to an integer.

type colour =
| ["RGB", [int, int, int]]
| ["Gray", int]
| ["Default"];
const int_of_colour = (c : colour) : int =>
match(c) {
when(RGB([r,g,b])): 16 + b + g * 6 + r * 36;
when(Gray(i)): 232 + i;
when(Default): 0;

Note: The when-clauses must cover all the variants of the type colour. When the constructor has no argument, which is equivalent to having a [] (unit) argument, it can be omitted, hence when(Default) instead of when(Default()).

The right-hand sides of each when-clause is an expression. Sometimes we might need statements to be processed before a value is given to the clause. In that case, the do expression comes handy. It enables the opening of a block of statements like a function body, that is, a block ended with a return statement whose argument has the value of the block, like so:

function match_with_block (x : option<int>) : int {
match(x) {
when(None): 0;
when(Some(n)): do {
let y = n + 1;
return y

Another example is matching on whether an integer is a natural number or not:

const is_it_a_nat = (i : int) =>
match (is_nat(i)) {
when(None): false;
when(Some(n)): do {ignore(n); return true; }